The last couple days have just flown by due to the fact that I've been trying to hang out with friends as much as possible before we all disperse to various holiday destinations and summer houses in a couple days. We've been to the cinema, out to eat, watches a boatload of Community and we even spent last night roasting marshmallows by the beach in the sunset, which was wonderful!
So that's why I haven't really put much effort into posts, sometimes you have to put focus into other things :)
If you have any suggestions for future posts, be sure to let me know! Hope you're all enjoying summer so far because I certainly am!
onsdag 13 juni 2012
torsdag 7 juni 2012
DIY projects
The only downside, as one might put it, with not having school anymore is the unbelievable amount of spare time that I have on my hands and I don't know how to spend it, especially when the weather is horrible! So I've been reading like crazy and trying to put my tendency to not throw anything away to good use. So I've collected all the things in form of tickets, broshures, pictures, clothing tags etc. and tried to assemble something creative out of them.
Here are my results:
On a metal bulletin board from Ikea, I put up maps from Paris (♥) and skiisystems, clothing tags, a postcard portraying Rauschenbergs goat, airplane tickets and other pretty things. |
Close up, I put hearts on the Paris map of where we stayed during the last two times I was there! |
I found a bunch of magazine clippings from last summer and decided to finally put them all together in a collage. It turned out really bright & colourful which will look really nice on my wall. |
This I didn't do today but it's something that I thought was appropriate to show in this post, I took my boring wooden wardrobe door and put up a whole bunch of pictures on it. It immediately made everything look a lot livelier and + its something that my friends always look at when they come over! |
I love doing little changes to my room every now and then!
Hugs and Kisses
Alice ♥♥♥
tisdag 5 juni 2012
Graduation outfit
This is what I'm wearing today for my cousin's graduation! I love a good occasion to dress up!
Coral dress by Mango
Cardigan by H&M
Shoes by Ash
Belt by Mulberry
Bracelet is a confirmation gift
Coral dress by Mango
Cardigan by H&M
Shoes by Ash
Belt by Mulberry
Bracelet is a confirmation gift
söndag 3 juni 2012
Dip dye hair?
Dip dying has been all the rage this season, everything from dresses to shorts to ...hair! I honestly haven't thought much of it until a friend and I started discussing it the other day. I actually think it can look really cool! Of course, it depends on the person and the intensity of the colouring but a few pops of pink here and there on beach-y tousled hair is really pretty!
I don't think I'd ever do it for real, at least not now when I still live at home and knowing that my mum would freak if I did... However, when I was browsing the cosmetics store the other day, I found a hair mascara and decided to give it a shot. I chose pink because I think it suits me the best but they had a bunch of different colours!
It only lasts until you wash your hair but I think its a really fun way to temporarily change up your look and go a bit wild! + it looks cool in photos!
What do you think? Pretty or tacky?
Hugs and Kisses
lördag 2 juni 2012
Stocking up for summer!
I'm an avid reader (to say the least) so I always make sure to have a good amount of books to keep me entertained, especially when school isn't taking up all my time anymore. I recently borrowed some books from a friend, which by the way is an excellent way to get a hold of good books without having to buy them, which I'm planning to read in the coming weeks.
Thanks for the memories by Cecelia Ahern
The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
One day by David Nichols
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
I'm really excited to read all of these and hopefully they'll be just as good as my friend said they were :) These along with the 20-something books I'm planning to order from amazon (my favourite place to buy books) will surely satisfy me throughout my vacation!
Have any of you read any of these books?
Hugs and Kisses
fredag 1 juni 2012
Outfit of the day
Since the weather is absolutely horrid at the moment (hurricane winds, rain, cold etc.) I haven't exactly been able to wear dresses and shorts (much to my dismay) so I had to settle for clothes that are appropriate for both the season and the weather. Full covering clothes to protect from the cold yet light and summer-y colours!
Blouse from Odd Molly
Pants from Zara
Scarf from Zara
Bag from Zadig & Voltaire
Ankle boots from Vagabond
torsdag 31 maj 2012
2 months
WOWZA! It has been a looong time since I last posted, absolutely horrible!
The last couple months have just rolled past faster than ever before and it isn't until now that I feel caught up on everything. Essays and exam are what have been consuming my schedule and bloging has not really been at the top of my priorities.
School is out now though, I only have one lesson left (on Monday) and all the work has been handed in. I huuuge weight has been lifted from my shoulders and all the tension of the last couple of months has left me completely. Summer is here and I'm going to make the most out of it, starting with becoming a more avid updater!
Hope to see you around!
Hugs and Kisses
torsdag 29 mars 2012
Warm weather and exciting plans
Hi! So, it's been quite a while since I updated my blog. I feel really bad but sometimes you've got to put other things first, and these past few weeks have involved a lot of school work and other events.
So has anything exciting happened? Not really...well, I did go see The Hunger Games on Saturday and it was amaaaziiing! I loved it so so incredibly much!
I've also made plans to go back to Paris very soon! A little mini vacation for 4 days in early may! I'm stoked! Me and a friend are going down to visit our Parisian friend and it's going to be AWESOME!
But first of all, Easter break next week, which I've been waiting for ever since sports break, so nice with a weeks break from school! Relaxing and hopefully enjoying some nice weather!
Now I'm on my way to school, I only have one lesson today so it's very chill! Then I need to pack a little for the break and then study for a history test tomorrow...but it's all good because of what awaits after school tomorrow..temporary freedom!
Hopefully I'll have time to create some more interesting posts later on :)
Have a lovely Thursday!
So has anything exciting happened? Not really...well, I did go see The Hunger Games on Saturday and it was amaaaziiing! I loved it so so incredibly much!
I've also made plans to go back to Paris very soon! A little mini vacation for 4 days in early may! I'm stoked! Me and a friend are going down to visit our Parisian friend and it's going to be AWESOME!
But first of all, Easter break next week, which I've been waiting for ever since sports break, so nice with a weeks break from school! Relaxing and hopefully enjoying some nice weather!
Now I'm on my way to school, I only have one lesson today so it's very chill! Then I need to pack a little for the break and then study for a history test tomorrow...but it's all good because of what awaits after school tomorrow..temporary freedom!
Hopefully I'll have time to create some more interesting posts later on :)
Have a lovely Thursday!
fredag 2 mars 2012
Summer; just around the corner?
I was looking through some old pictures, mainly from last summer and thought I'd share a few.
By looking at these I'm completley filled with longing for those magical summer months, my seventeenth and getting out of my next-to-last year of school. 97 days until I'm free, no time...right?......right?
Thought these pics might inspire a few of you and provoke beautiful dreams of summer :)
Have a lovely Friday night! (Although I'm pretty sure it just turned Saturday), I should probably get to bed and read a little, I got some quite exciting books the other day...maybe I'll share tomorrow.
Sweet dreams!
onsdag 29 februari 2012
First day of spring?
The weather today is fabulous! The sun is bright and warm and there is no hint what so ever of remaining snow! Hoping that it will only keep on getting warmer and warmer for every day that goes by...spring is definatley sought after! I'm relishing over the thought of wearing dresses,light jackets and converse in the proximate future!
Last day of February today, last month of winter gone in a flash! Seriously! The last couple of weeks have just flown by...not that I'm complaining, one step closer to summer by every day that goes by!
Anyways, I potentially have a really fun project in the works with two friends of mine, a little something you might enjoy..maybe..haha!..you'll see;)
Talk to you later!
Last day of February today, last month of winter gone in a flash! Seriously! The last couple of weeks have just flown by...not that I'm complaining, one step closer to summer by every day that goes by!
Anyways, I potentially have a really fun project in the works with two friends of mine, a little something you might enjoy..maybe..haha!..you'll see;)
Talk to you later!
torsdag 23 februari 2012
Out of my natural habitat
So today I'm doing something slightly different and unexpected...I'm at a big horse show...for 10 hours, haha! I'm in no way a horse girl but one of my friends from school happens to be and she asked me whether I wanted to come with her, and I thought: why not?
So we've been here since noon and have been walking around looking at ALL the equipment and riding gear, I'm not sure I'm the best person to ask when looking at riding pants or helmets...but I try :p
Slightly tired from having to get up early but thank god for caffeine!
I'm staying up here for the weekend since my family and I are visiting some other family (hint: there is a potential trip to ZARA in the works :p)
I'll try to do some more mobile blogging this weekend! Hope you're all fine! :D
So we've been here since noon and have been walking around looking at ALL the equipment and riding gear, I'm not sure I'm the best person to ask when looking at riding pants or helmets...but I try :p
Slightly tired from having to get up early but thank god for caffeine!
I'm staying up here for the weekend since my family and I are visiting some other family (hint: there is a potential trip to ZARA in the works :p)
I'll try to do some more mobile blogging this weekend! Hope you're all fine! :D
söndag 5 februari 2012
For lack of better inspiration today due to the fact that I'm soo tired, I thought I'd just show you some pictures I took on my phone yesterday evening when my friend and I went for a walk by the beach. We're enduring some serious winter weather right now, minus degrees, snow and ice everywhere...brrrrr, but at least its pretty, right? The sunset and the colours kind of made it worth freezing my legs off :D
torsdag 2 februari 2012
Things I've been loving lately
1. Lana del Rey
Pics from Weheartit.com
Truly phenomenal artist, if you haven't checked out her music...YOU SHOULD! Now! Her debut song "Video Games" is rather known but there is a whole lot more (and please, let's disregard the whole SNL thing), her debut album "Born to Die" came out this week and it is a masterpiece. An interesting mix of melodies, intelligent lyrics quoting Nabokov amongst others. If you do listen to her..what's your favourite song? Currently I'm leaning between National Anthem, Summertime Sadness and Dark Paradise.
2. Vampire diaries

Amazing TV show, my obsession, my love. Spent last week re-watching all the episodes from the beginning and that made me realize how much I truly enjoy this show!
3. Simplicity
Fresh faced & minimal makeup, that's my beauty-moto lately.
4.Movies I've recently watched

Tanner Hall and The Help, Both great movies. Tanner Hall has more of an "indie"/ "independent"feel to it. The Help on the other hand is excepcionally touching and entertaining as well.
5. Excercise!
I've been on a slight health kick for the past month, trying to get a move on everyday. I think I'll elaborate on that later since it's something that would require a full post :) I love getting a good work out every single day and I've come to prioritizing it a lot more during the last couple of weeks.
6. Art
I've been really into sketching lately, I'm one of those people who can't just sit still and watch a movie, I have to do several things at the same time, so I've been doing a little sketching, specifically working on portraits last week. These aren't great but they're quick ones I did during a movie or when watching a TV show :) (and yes, I'm totally watching Legally Blonde, if you're wondering...)
SO these are some things that have been keeping me occupied for the past month or so :)
New Beginnings
I haven't posted in a long time, ever since December rolled around my bloging hasn't been at it's best and through January I've only ever posted once. Thing is...December was hectic with Christmas and all and then January was all in all just a "there" month, nothing peculiar at all happened, no inspiration at all.
But I've decided to get a move on and actually become a bit more productive during February, hopefully the thought of spring being just around the corner will keep me jovial and inspired :)
SO this roughly means : NEW POSTS! :D
But I've decided to get a move on and actually become a bit more productive during February, hopefully the thought of spring being just around the corner will keep me jovial and inspired :)
SO this roughly means : NEW POSTS! :D
onsdag 4 januari 2012
My addictions
So, I've realized that I'm a complete TV-geek...but I love it! Tv-shows are my favourite! Especially now over the holidays, when I'm trapped up in our country house, I'm feasting on all the wonderfulness that American TV can offer.
Here's a list of my fave's:
1. Revenge - I started watching this last week and I LOVE it! Its all about rich people in the Hamptons with a slightly darker background..hard to explain but its FABULOUS! lots of suspense :D
2. Modern Family - This show is just plain greatness- funny, witty and simply one of the best! I devoured this show last week as well, 2.5 seasons in 2 days...I have no life when I'm on break!
3. Once upon a time - This isn't one of my favourites, but its still good. Fairytales vs Reality and such, definatley entertaining.
4. Game of Thrones - this is a one of a kind show, so well made and so enthralling! unfortunatley its been on hiatus for quite some time now, think it returns in april or so.
5. The Secret Circle - The witch equivalent of Vampire Diaries....Kind of. Great show and everything, although it seriously lacks some great looking boys. Nothing compared to Stephen and Damon Salvatore!
6. Pretty Little Liars - Top 3! definatley! One of the best teen shows out there!
7. The Vampire Diaries - Vampires..hot vampires...nuff said.
8. The Lying Game - Entertaining, suspensfull..great!
9. Gossip Girl - I think everyone knows what GG is, Love it!
10. Hart of Dixie - Cute scenery, accents and Rachel Bilson! <3
So all in all, way to many shows to be counted as healthy! And I still want more..got any suggestions?
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