fredag 16 september 2011

Some photos from today :D

 Took some outfit pics..not that I wore this today, but I was mainly testing lighting & location.

I forced Lucy-kins to join me in my pictures, isn't she just lovely?! I'm teaching her french at the moment :P
Spotifyyyyyy <3<3 Fave songs of the moment? People help the people & Month of mornings, both by Cherry Ghost + Without words & Shelter by Birdy <3

Made ceasar sallad for dinner all by myself *proud*  although I totally made way to little :p
Otherwise today's been reasonably uneventful, my phone has not turned up ( :( ), quite long school day, vaccuming all afternoon and then dinner! + my dad thought it was fun to put on the music surround- sound system, note: very loudly! I'm pretty sure my WHOLE neighbourhood heard

Now I'm going to watch Vampire diaries!! Finally! It's been on break forever!


2 kommentarer:

  1. You look so lovely, love the dress and it looks great on you :) hope you can check my blog out, just getting it off the ground :P xx

  2. Love your outfits. x
